Upcoming Events & Announcements
Please find this week's announcements reminders for our Christ the Solid Rock church family and community. The community events are increasing so be sure to mark your calendars. If you have questions or announcements for consideration in the weekly email, please send them to admin@christthesolidrock.com.

SUNDAY, February 5th @ 11:30am (Sanctuary)
First Sunday Communion Worship Service
Join us this Sunday for morning worship, at 11:30am. Come with a heart of thanksgiving, an attitude of gratitude, and let us share in fellowship, lift our voices in worship, preparing the atmosphere for a timely message that will strengthen us for the week of head.
Wednesday, February 8th @ 6:30pm
Weekly Bible Study
Join Pastor Mitchell and the church family, each Wednesday night as we study God's Word. This is held In-Person at Lake Edge Lutheran. Check out the calendar for more details.
Thursday, February 9th @ 11am-12noon
Think Cap Cafe w/ Pastor Everett Mitchell
Pastor Mitchell will be speaking for the Think Cap Cafe on Thursday, Feb 9th from 11a-12noon. The Think Cap Cafe is a virtual event that engages with older adults in Dane County, and is sponsored by NewBridge. We will provide the flier and more details next week.
Saturday, February 18th @ 11am (Sanctuary)
Condolences to the Haynes Family
Our sincerest condolences to Mother Barbara Haynes and Bro. Les Haynes in the passing of her brother, Darryle Harris. Services will be at the church on Saturday, February 18 at 11am, with visitation from 10-11am. Arrangements are being handled by Foster Funeral Services.
CSTRBC Prayer List
Please keep the following in your prayer and thoughts. If there are others among us in need of prayer, home visit, communion, or a hospital visit, please email or call the church office with your name and contact information so that we can both lift you up and send acknowledgements.
1. Cade Kenyon (Drummer) - traveling to VA for his grandfather's homegoing service
2. Wendy Thompson and family
3. Crystal Rodgers and family
4. Haynes Family
2022 TAX CONTRIBUTIONS can now be requested. The forms are in a red folder on the stand outside the front of the sanctuary and be completed and turned in at the office. Once submitted, your contributions statement will be ready for pick-up in the office the following Sunday. Please indicate if you would prefer to have it mailed. Contact the church office for additional information.
2023 CHURCH CALENDAR: We are compiling the annual church calendar. All scheduled events must be approved in advance and added to the church calendar. Please be sure to contact the church office for additional information or to discuss potential requests.
CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our weekly church announcments are emailed and posted to the church website on Friday. All announcements requests must be submitted to the church office by NOON on Thursday, in order to be included. We are attempting to also share announcements on the video screen before service. Please be sure to provide your email address to the church office, if you are NOT receiving the email.
SECURITY UPDATE: The church entrance, from the rear parking lot, will be locked at 11:45am each Sunday. Entry into the building will be through the front entrance only.
ROOM RESERVATIONS REMINDER: Before planning any meetings, programs, activities, or rehearsal within the building, please be sure to submit a Reservation Form to ensure the date/space is available. Once confirmed, the request is added to the Master "Alliance@4200" Calendar. Forms are located in the slot, adjacent to the Church Administration Office. For more information, please see Deacon McKinney and/or contact the church office or email at admin@christthesolidrock.com.
CTSR MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES: Christ the Solid Rock has been growing and it’s a wonderful time to get connected and actually engaged. We are looking for members to share their gifts, talents, and skills by supporting our sub-ministries. Please complete and return the membership survey within your bulletins. You can also reach out to the church office / administrative team to chat about opportunities. We need YOU!!
Areas of ministry: Spiritual Growth and Development (including Ministers, Deacons, and Mothers), Christian Education, Membership Care, Administration and Event Support, Music, Arts, and AV Support, Ushers, Hospitality/Greeters, and Security, Youth and Church (including Nursery), Community Partnerships and Outreach, Kitchen and Culinary, etc
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH?! The Transportation (Van) Ministry is accepting ride requests for Sunday morning worship. If you need transportation, please call the church office at (608) 728-7041 and leave a voicemail or send us an email that includes your contact information. We ask that you submit your request each week by Friday at 5:00pm. Someone will follow-up to confirm your spot.
Friday, February 17th @ 1p-6p
SAVE THE DATE: BT Farms Agri-Community Informational
BT Farms Foundation is developing a regenerative community plan for an approximately 240 acres of farm, wetlands, and wooded hill property on Madison's eastside. Inspired by emerging trends of cooperative urban farming, this intentional community will center equity, justice, and intergenerational wealth building, and support Black and Indigenous communities to thrive, as foundational principles.
BT Farms will be hosting a virtual information session to learn more about their BT Farms Agri-community project. You will be able to hear about the project meet the consulting team, and learn how you may get involved! The session will be hosted on Zoom. It will be recorded and made available on their website, btfarms.org for those who cannot attend. A Zoom link will be provided ahead of the session. Please click here to sign up.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24th @ 1-3pm
Winter Wonderland Learn to Snowshe for Kids
Warner Park Rainbow Shelter, 2930 N. Sherman Ave
We'll learn to snowshoe and enjoy hot cocoa and snacks around a warm fire. If there is now snow, we'll take a short hike to enjoy the park in the winter. For more information, please contact Diane Schwart at 608-358-8314 or www.getkidsoutsidewi.com.
SATURDAY, APRIL 8th @ 1-3pm
Spring Wildflower and Bird Hike for Kids
Aldo Leopold Center, 330 Femrite Dr
We'll explore early spring flowers and take a hike looking for spring migratory birds. We'll also enjoy a snack around a warm fire.For more information, please contact Diane Schwart at 608-358-8314 or www.getkidsoutsidewi.com.
St. Mark Lutheran Church has a community food pantry in which the Alliance@4200 is a partner. Open hours are Tuesdays from 10am-12noon and Thursdays 5:15-7:30pm. People may participate once every month. There is an abundance of food (meat, produce, dairy, canned goods, bakery items, and personal essentials); as well as no long lines. There is also a free community meal, every Friday, from Noon to 1pm. Please contact the church office if you have questions or need assistance in participating.
Wisconsin Democrats is expanding its organizing team in Wisconsin! Organizing is an integral part of its strategy and thanks to a surge of grassroots support for the upcoming Supreme Court election - they are hiring! Read, share, and apply below (if interested):
WisDems is Hiring Now
Share and apply today!
Field Organizers — $935.00+ per week
Click here to view the job posting »
We’re also hiring for a variety of other positions!
Check out our listings via wisdems.org/jobs.